Tuesday, April 13, 2021

My Top 10 Memories of Pondicherry

The union territory of Pondicherry was my home for 7 years and is in fact one of the most favourite places in the whole world. I consider that place as a place for self rejuvenation.It’s the place where I discovered myself ... The place where I left my past and learned to move on..There is something so special about this place.I can travel just by closing my eyes and think about this beautiful place..the memories I made there...about the endless dreams and ambitions I had ... the beautiful people who live there and whom I met and whom I have a strong deep relationships with ...I do smile 😊 because that was the most beautiful years of my life when I learned to love myself❤️ 

People visit Pondicherry in a day as a tourist ... roam around streets and just comment there is not much to see here...may be that’s true... Beauty of this place starts when we live and love this place.... Am I sure the people who lived and left Pondicherry will always miss that place... 

1. Roam around the French streets 

Once a French colony Pondicherry still preserve the architecture and culture which was left behind... There is nothing calm and serene rather than just walking along those beautiful streets. 

2. Eat a pizza from Richy rich in Nehru street 

May be richy rich the famous local food chain may have so many outlets ...But you should eat from Nehru street... That’s so nostalgic for me and it’s gives u that hidden gem feeling ... There pizzas are amazing 🤩 

3. Close your eyes and pray at Immaculate church -This was a routine and first destination of our weekly outings

4. Go to Nilgiris Supermarket!!! - Ok this is not a tourist activity rather a private thing for me. When we were in college having only very minimal money in hands one of my batch mate used to pray Dear God , when we all pass out from college each of us should get a job where we can buy everything from Nilgiris without worrying about the money - and thankfully everyone one of us can do it ... It was a genuine prayer from the heart ❤️ 

5. Eat lunch from Apache... 

May be it’s not the best but for me it’s one of the best Chettinad restaurants in the town. The old house and ambience ... I loved it 

6. Shop from streets !!! - Pondicherry is a shopping paradise for fashion, jewellery, antiques, and what not 

7. Go to surguru near Nilgiris for their Mushroom Dosa and Fruit salad... 

8. I started loving chocolate truffle from  Pondicherry and the best one for me from Daily breads... Grab one and walk to beach 

9. Sit in a non crowded area some where between the rocks ... enjoy your cake and sea... Just look at the sea and you will forget all your worries ... how many days I had spend my evenings like that 

10. And lastly eat at Celin’s Kitchen... I am in love with the ambience of that restaurant. 

What ever I wrote is from my experience and my personal likes ... I will never get bored of doing this again and again...because that much I am in love with this place and the beautiful memories along with it ❤️

My Top 10 Memories of Pondicherry

The union territory of Pondicherry was my home for 7 years and is in fact one of the most favourite places in the whole world. I consider th...